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* Npm Commands

Setup/Command Reference

Initialize Running the below command will generate the scaffold for Docusaurus site building npx create-docusaurus@latest <site-name> <template-option> <lang-option> where

  • <site-name> is the site name,
  • <template-option> is the starting point of your site and is recommended to be classic
  • <lang-option> can be left empty if you are using Javascript, or --typescript otherwise (e.g. npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website classic)

Develop Running the below command will launch a local development server, serving for the purpose of previewing the changes npm run start / yarn run start By default, a browser window will open at "http://localhost:3000".

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Build Running the below command will build the website into a directory of static contents and put it on a web server so that it can be viewed. npm run build / yarn run build and contents will be generated within the /build directory, which can be copied to any static file hosting service like GitHub pages, Vercel or Netlify. And if you wish to run the instance locally you can run npm run serve / yarn run serve

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Deployment You may use a variety of static file hosting service:

See more relating to this topic at the documentation:

If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, the following command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the gh-pages branch.

  • Using SSH:$ USE_SSH=true yarn deploy
  • Not using SSH:$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy