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If you wish to make adjustments to the React javascript, more specifically files living in src\Javascript\SourceCode by running the React on a local dev web server (rather than having to compile the code, run cache clear, and hard refreshing the page every time), you can do that by doing the following:

  1. copy content package_production.json
  2. paste it to package.json
  3. cd to the level of src\Javascript\SourceCode
  4. make adjustification to the index.html and \Component\Dashboard in src\Javascript\SourceCode\src (make some variables deterministic/hard-coded, rather than retrieving from drupal endpoints)
  5. run npm run start to start the server
  6. open browser localhost:8080 to preview the effect of code
  7. adjustification to code will automatically update the server, you don't have to run npm every time


If you wish to deploy the React javascript code to the drupal site, you will need to build it to the src/Javascript/SourceCode/dist by running the corresponding build command

  1. copy content of package_development.json
  2. paste it to package.json
  3. cd to the level of src\Javascript\SourceCode
  4. run npm run build to generate the built/minified code
  5. run (ahoy) drush cr to clear the cache
  6. !!! IMPORTANT !!!! Make sure you refresh the browser with a clear cache shortcut:
    • Command + Shift + R (Mac)
    • Ctrl + Shift + R (Win)

The reason for this layout of two files is for a minimum effort towards understanding usage of NPM, while also keeping a minimum usage of the dependencies for the production script.