📄️ Website Monitoring Setup (drupal 7^)
The reason for segregating a different tutorial for setting up Orion Module for "drupal 7" site is because it uses old & potentially deprecated modules, and is often non-composer managed, for that matter, we will manually download the extension's file and put that in the /public_html/modules/custom and the remainder of the installation process will be the exact same as that of the "drupal 8/9/10" site.
📄️ Website Monitoring Setup (drupal 8,9,10^)
The reason for segregating a different tutorial for setting up Orion Module for "drupal 8,9,10" site is because it uses the most recent updated modules, and is often composer managed, for that matter, we can download the extension's file using the composer package manager, and the remainder of the installation process will be the exact same as that of "drupal 7"
📄️ Website Monitoring Setup (alternative method for developers)
This method is for developer that are familiar with drupal's configuration synchronizing, if you are a non development member of the team, you may have a better look at the document Website Monitoring Setup (drupal 7^), and Website Monitoring Setup (drupal 8,9,10^)